Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Mobility 1

-Good morning with fitness stick
-No money

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Mobility 2

-Scapular retraction 
-Crossed prayer
-90/90 Hip mobility

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Upper body strength 1

-Push ups (adapted with knees)
-Bent over row with band
-Front raise with band

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Upper body strength 2

-Shoulder Y raises 
-Triceps kickback with dumbbells
-Bicep curl with dumbbells

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Lower body strength without material

-Forward Lunge
-Glute bridge

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Lower Body Strength with material

-Barbell Deadlift 
-Goblet squat
-Monster walk with band

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Core strength 1

-Frontal plank on forearm
-Bear squat
-Dead bug

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Core strength 2

-Mountain climber
-Bird dog 
-Side plank on forearm

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Full body strength 1

-Walkout push-up (push-up adapted with knees)
-Row with band and squat

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Full body strength 2

-Front raise with dumbbells and squat
-Biceps curl with dumbbells and reverse lunge
-Barbell row and deadlift

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Endurance 1

-Jumping jacks
-Aerobics v step

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Endurance 2

-Pop squat
-Scissor drills

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Stretching 1

-Half-Spinal Twist
-Doorway stretch

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Stretching 2

-Frontal and side to side prayer
-Psoas stretch
-Triceps and lat arm stretch

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Mobility and Core Strength

-Gorilla squat
-Standing Pallof Press
-Travelling crab

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Mobility and stretching

-Quadruped T-Spine Rotation 
-Half-Kneeling Arm Rotation

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Upper and lower body and core strength 1

-Pull apart with band
-Wall sit
-Static beast and shoulder taps

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Upper and lower body and core strength 2

-Overhead press with band
-Calves Raises
-Plank cross-knee alternation

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Strength and Endurance 1

-Pull-apart with band and squat
-Biceps curl with band
-Butt kicks

Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Strength and Endurance 2

-Barbell row
-Lateral lunge with a biceps curl with dumbbells
-Squat jump

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.