Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Strength training guidelines

It is recommended at least 2 times per week, using at least 2 sets of 8-15 repetitions at least 60% of one repetition maximum (moderate intensity). Combine arm, leg and core exercises or perform full body exercises in your sessions.

Video, Young cancer survivors


Video, Young cancer survivors

Wall sit

Video, Young cancer survivors

Horse stance

Video, Young cancer survivors

Sumo squat

Video, Young cancer survivors

Goblet squat

Video, Young cancer survivors

Forward lunge

Video, Young cancer survivors

Reverse lunge

Video, Young cancer survivors

Split squat

Video, Young cancer survivors

Barbell deadlift

Video, Young cancer survivors

Monster walk with band

Video, Young cancer survivors

Glute bridge

Video, Young cancer survivors

Quadruped kickbacks

Video, Young cancer survivors

Calves raises

Video, Young cancer survivors

Tib raises

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