Part 1, 15-19 years, 20-29 years, young cancer survivors, Αrticle

Psychoeducation: Tips For Collecting Reliable Information

Psychoeducation: Tips For Collecting Reliable Information
Tips For Collecting Reliable Information
Among cancer survivors, the Internet is a popular choice for obtaining information, with twice as many people preferring it over consulting healthcare providers. While the Internet can be useful, it also has risks. The vast amount of information online can overwhelm and confuse young adults, and there's a chance of coming across misleading information from non-healthcare sources. Information is crucial for helping cancer survivors make decisions and cope with their illness, especially since young adults primarily use the internet for information. Therefore, understanding the sources upon which AYA (Adolescents and Young Adults) rely for obtaining information is of paramount importance. 
If you want to learn more about how to collect reliable information online take a look at the graph! 

Part 2, 20-29 years, 30-39 years, young cancer survivors, healthcare professionals, article

Psychoeducation: Talking To Your Healthcare Professional

Psychoeducation: Talking To Your Healthcare Professional
During your cancer experience, it is very likely that you'll have many conversations with the team caring for you. Working as a team with the healthcare professionals and sharing the same goals can help you to have the best possible care. The information presented in this article will help you take an active part in conversations with healthcare professionals.
What can make communication difficult?
Effective communication with your healthcare team is crucial for your well-being. Yet, discussions with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers might seem rushed or brief at times. When facing a cancer diagnosis, patients often receive an overwhelming amount of information, which can be challenging to absorb during such a stressful period. Additionally, healthcare professionals may use terminology unfamiliar to patients, adding another layer of complexity to understanding cancer care.
Helpful Tips
The following tips will help to get as much as possible out of your appointment with your doctor or the hospital staff.
Before the appointment 
  • Make sure you know exactly the time and place of your scheduled appointment. 
  • If you are experiencing any form of disability let the hospital know so that they make suitable arrangements. 
  • Prepare your questions ahead of your appointment, perhaps by writting them down on a piece of paper. 
  • Individuals with cancer often find it challenging to recall their questions during appointments. Consider sending your questions and concerns to your doctor in advance. 
  • Having a trusted relative or friend accompany you can assist in remembering important points. Bringing a notepad to take notes, or having your companion do so, can also be helpful.
At the appointment 
  • Throughout your treatment, you'll encounter various healthcare professionals. Keeping a record of their names, titles, and contact information can be useful for future queries. 
  • It's important to communicate openly and honestly, using your own language to describe your experiences. 
  • Discuss with your team your preferences regarding the level of detail you want about your cancer and any challenges you face in communication.
  • Inform your healthcare providers if you consent to sharing information with your family members. 
  • If you find something difficult to understand, do not hesitate to ask for further clarification or repetition. 
  • Requesting visual aids like diagrams or notes can enhance your comprehension and retention of information.
  • You may be invited to have medical students observe your appointments for educational purposes. If you're uncomfortable with this, it's perfectly acceptable to decline. 
  • Inquire about whom to contact for follow-up questions after the appointment, including their availability and preferred method of contact. 
Creating a relationship based on honest communication and mutual respect can potentially alleviate the psychological burden associated with your cancer diagnosis. 
If you would like to strengthen your communication skills, we advise you to have a look at this post where we explain more about Assertive Communication
Sources: This short article was based on some of the ideas shared by the UK Cancer Charity "Maggie's" Everyone's Home for Cancer.
More resousces:

Part 2, 15-39 years, young cancer survivors, article

Psychoeducation: Assertive Communication And Desicion Making Strategies

Psychoeducation: Assertive Communication And Desicion Making Strategies
How to communicate assertively
Do you find you self struggling to communicate your needs and wishes effectively?
Would you like to be more assertive in the way you communicate with others?
Have you heard the term Assertive Communication?
If these questions sound familiar to you and you would like to know more please visit our guide about assertive communication. This presentation entails a short introduction into assertive communication, specific examples and finally some scenarios for you to practice.
Please follow this link to find our more.

How to effectively make decisions
During you cancer journey you will often need to decide about a variety of things. For instance, you might be given different options on how to proceed with your treatment or upon completing your cancer treatment you might need to reconsider your career choices, search for new hobbies that are more fullfing and set new goals. For this reason, knowing how to effectively make decisions can be a very useful skill. If you like to learn more abourt effective deision making please follow this link

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