
The OACCUs boardgame - gets your body moving!

The OACCUs boardgame - gets your body moving!
Game Board Overview:
  • The game board consists of four sides, each divided into six squares.
  • Each corner of the board features an illustration representing each of the four OACCUs pillars. Each side of the board is associated with a specific pillar.
  • The six squares (numbered 1-6) on each side are interspersed with a "?" (Question) or "!" (Challenge).

How to Play:
  1. Setup: 
    • Print the game board and all cards, cut and sort accordingly. 
    • Use coins, bottle caps, or anything else you find suitable as game pieces
    •  You will need a pair of dice to play

  2. Rolling the Dice:
    • Players may start at any of the four corners of the board. 
    • Players roll two dice to determine how many squares to move forward on the board. 
    • The number rolled corresponds to the number of squares the player advances.

  3. Landing on a Square: 
    • If the player lands on a square marked with a "?" (Question) or "!" (Challenge), they must either answer a question or complete a challenge. The challenge or question is on the card that is drawn. 
    • If the player lands on a corner square featuring a pillar illustration, they roll the dice again and move accordingly.

  4. Answering Questions and Completing Challenges:
    • If a player answers a question incorrectly or fails to complete a challenge, they are eliminated from the game.

  5. Winning the Game: 
    • The last remaining player who successfully navigates the board by answering questions and completing challenges wins the game.

Additional Rules:
Players continue rolling and moving until they are eliminated or emerge victorious as the last player standing.

Produced by: Paula Tavares at the University of Coimbra.
Design by: Carl-Erik Engqvist at Umeå University


Board game in PDF for download and print

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