Part 3, Video, Young cancer survivors

Endurance training guidelines

It is recommended to do it at least 3 times a week, 30-60 min per session at a moderate (64-75% HR) to vigorous (76-95% HR) intensity.
Weekly recommendations are to reach 150 min of moderate intensity or 75 min of vigorous intensity or an equivalent combination.
In addition to the aerobic exercises shown below, we recommend continuous aerobic activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, skating, etc.

Video, Young cancer survivors

Squat jump

Video, Young cancer survivors

Pop squat

Video, Young cancer survivors


Video, Young cancer survivors

Boxing front punches

Video, Young cancer survivors

Jumping jack

Video, Young cancer survivors

Jumping lunge

Video, Young cancer survivors


Video, Young cancer survivors

Butt kicks

Video, Young cancer survivors

Scissor drill

Video, Young cancer survivors

Toe tap

Video, Young cancer survivors

Alternating toe touch

Video, Young cancer survivors

Aerobics cross step

Video, Young cancer survivors

Aerobics v step

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