Cancer organisations

Round Table: Healthy Lifestyle and Cancer Survivors

Recently, a round table was held in the city of Cádiz (Spain), organized by the University of Cádiz and INIBiCA. The event addressed the four fundamental pillars of the OACCUs project. For two hours, three speakers shared their knowledge and experiences in an enriching and educational event. Each presentation lasted for 30 minutes, followed by a 10-minute question session to encourage dialogue and audience participation.

The first speaker, David Jiménez, who is responsible for the OACCUs project at the University of Cádiz (UCA), presented the philosophy behind OACCUs, as well as its website and toolbox. Additionally, the powerful testimony of a young cancer survivor, Mila Ogalla, was included, who shared her valuable personal experience. The round table also featured the participation of an oncological exercise specialist, Soraya Casla, who provided crucial information on how exercise can positively impact cancer treatment.

This event was a unique opportunity to learn and delve into the key aspects of the OACCUs project, while offering support and hope to those affected by cancer.


Youth and Resilience: The Inspiring Testimony of Mila, Young Cancer Survivor

The decision of a young cancer survivor to share their story is incredibly inspiring and enriching for the round table. Their courage in sharing their experiences not only provides a unique insight into the challenges faced by patients, but also offers hope and motivation to others going through similar circumstances. Mila's testimony brings a personal and emotive perspective that complements discussions on the impact of cancer on well-being and the importance of adopting healthy lifestyle habits during and after treatment.


Support of dissemination materials to increase visibility and audience engagement.

Support of dissemination materials to increase visibility and audience engagement.
Including roll-ups, flyers, and photocalls can be very helpful in project dissemination activities.

Source: University of Cádiz
Author: Sonia Ortega-Gómez

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